Publish custom GPTs from your Data

Create tailored GPT models from your data, enabling bespoke insights and interactions.

  • Alexandro Martinez
    by Alexandro Martinez
    7 months ago
  • With the Publish a Custom GPT from Your Data feature, you can create a Custom GPT and share it with your users, employees, or customers.

    Make sure to expose your data via API first.


    • Custom ChatGPT: Expose your data to a custom GPT.

    • Up-to-date insights: Always stay updated with the latest data in your AI interactions.


    Set up

    Step 1: Create a GPT

    Go to GPTs and click "+ Create" to get started.


    Step 2: Add name, description, and instructions

    Copy and paste the following fields into the GPT creation form:


    Step 3: Import the Actions

    Click on Create new action and then click on Import from URL.


    Step 4: Authenticate with your API key

    Grab one of your API keys at /my-api-keys and paste it into the authentication field.

    • Authentication Type: API Key


    • Custom Header Name: X-Api-Key


    Step 5: Test and Publish!

    Now you're all set! Start chatting with your data, and publish it when you're ready.

    Use cases

    • GPT per customer: For every important customer, create a data source with views selecting only data that they can see, for example, SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE customer = 'SaasRock'.

    • Champions League GPT: Create a simple table with the latest football

    • Movies GPT: Weekly recommendations

    • Crawler GPT: Have a database with crawled URLs and content (although a Site crawler is on the way for DataLang 🥳!)

    Anything from the GPT store can be replicated using custom knowledge from a database of your own.

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